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Invite members 👥

You can invite your colleagues, customers, auditors or external contributors to your Brainboard organization.

To invite a new member:

  1. Go to members page
  2. Click on the icon on the right Invite member
  3. Add the following information and click invite:
    • Email address.
    • The organization role that you want this user to have. There are 4 roles available:
      • Owner: can do any action in Brainboard.
      • Admin: can do most of the actions, except the billing.
      • Member: can only do actions authorized on specific projects.
      • Guest: this is read-only access. Suitable for auditors or team members that only need to view cloud architectures.
    • The initial team of the user. Invite member

A member can belong to one and only one organization, so if the user you are trying to invite already has an account in Brainboard, you need to reach out to the support at [email protected] to help you merge the accounts.