Organization 🏛️
The Organization is a shared space that allows members to be organized into teams to collaborate on projects.
The first account created on Brainboard will be, by default, the owner of the organization and Brainboard creates automatically a new team and new project for this account as part of the onboarding process.
Create a new organization
The organization is automatically created on sign up.
Follow the account creation instructions to create a new organization.
Join an existing organization
To join an existing organization, you need to request access from the organization owner
or admin
Please refer to the invite members to invite new members.
Once invited, click on the link received by mail.
Fill your information in the invitation page:
First name
Last name
Click join to accept the invitation and join the organization.
Rename an organization
To rename the organization:
Access its setting page
Click on the 3 dots on the right:
Click on
Edit Organization
to change its name:
Delete an organization (close your account)
To delete an organization:
Go to the organization settings page
Click on the 3 dots on the right and select
Delete Organization
in capital letters in the confirmation page and click on theApply
Roles within an organization
There are 4 roles
within the organization.
1. Owner
The owner of the organization can perform any action. It is usually the first account created.
2. Admin
The admin can perform any action on the organization except deleting it and managing billing information.
3. Member
At the organization level, a member can:
List other members
List and create teams
List and create projects.
Members cannot invite users or delete them. They cannot see or change the billing and they only see projects they have access to and not all projects.
4. Guest
Guest is a read-only user that only has access to projects that admins or owners allowed it to access.
By default, a guest has access to nothing.
IAM reference
To see the complete list of permissions in Brainboard refer to the IAM page.
Last updated